Unearth the Benefits of Stretching on a regular basis.

Why is stretching so important?

Stretching is an essential part of your routine. If you don’t have a stretching schedule in place, you definitely need one! A good stretch is the perfect way to start your week no matter what age you are, or what your fitness level might be.

The benefits of stretching are endless, here are some reasons why you should start doing it today.

Posture improvement

If you have a desk job, you’ll find yourself sitting a lot more than is beneficial. Stretching every day at work, home or out and about can help your posture by lengthening muscles in your back that could tighten up over the course of a day.

Aiming to work on the chest, shoulders, and lower back can help with keeping your spine aligned. Stretching regularly can also relieve aches and pains that can be caused when you hunch in the first place.

Decreased risk of injuries

If you are in a desk job, you might think you have little to no chance of ever seriously getting injured, right? Think again!

For example. You have to bend over and pick up a heavy box of supplies. Hours after, or even the next morning, you notice your back is aching.

You may have yanked or strained a muscle and ended up in Myotherapy to recover. However, if you stick to a regular stretching routine, this situation may not occur to a more malleable you!

Improved flexibility

Myotherapy helps with improving plasticity and range of motion. Having better flexibility can provide you with a multitude of benefits.

It can improve your physical performance and reduce your chance of injury. The more flexible you are, the less energy your body requires to carry out every day actions.

Boosted energy levels

Stretching is one the best thing you can do first thing when you wake up.

A few great stretches together with deep breathing practices can give you the surge of vitality you need to start your day! If you start feeling tired or sluggish, take a stretch break and get those energy levels back up!


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